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Young minds discovered the earth is round

During the Dark Ages the quest for knowledge was viewed as heresy; to read and write was taboo and only for the clergy. Voyages of discovery were discouraged and those early explorers were frightened by the “knowledge” that the earth was flat and if they ventured too far, they would fall off the edge.



Allan Wolman

Along came Columbus who survived the “fall” and discovered the New World or the “Great Satan” as many Muslims call the United States – and things only got worse from that time on.

Now any self-respecting cadre of Sasco, the ANC and BDS, would know how dangerous these voyages of discovery could be and how it could contaminate the minds of young students and future leaders. And the lengths that BDS went to discourage such open-mindedness! But alas not even a R40 000 stipend could win the day and off those careless students went.

Venturing where no loyal cadre would dare to go, a group of young Sasco and ANC members indeed fell off the edge of what their leaders told them was a cesspool of evil, apartheid and degradation, only to learn that the earth is indeed round and that that cesspool over the edge was indeed a source of enlightenment, education, productivity, healthcare and service delivery – not perfect, but not too shabby!

So, what to do with this bunch of renegades: discipline them, re-educate them in the manner of the old Soviet ways and why not send them to some education centres in North Korea designed to get people’s minds back on track; that’s the way to mend those intent on opening their minds!


Allan Wolman

Rosebank, Johannesburg

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