
ZCC gives Ambassador Keinan an African welcome

Newly-appointed Israeli Ambassador to South Africa Lior Keinan, received a warm African welcome from a crowd of over three million Zionist Christian Church (ZCC) followers last Sunday. The ambassador and Zionist Federation deputy chairman Mark Hyman, were among the 67 dignitaries who shared in welcoming in the New Year by ZCC leader Bishop Barnabas Lekganyane.




“Happy to be among friends of Israel and join in on the celebrations,” posted Keinan on Facebook. The celebration was held at Zion City in Moria, 30 km from Polokwane.

Lekganyane, whose church has over 10 million members, even provided kosher food for Hyman and the ambassador,, who he seated in the front row among the likes of four traditional kings, business elite such as Patrice Motsope and Dr Irvin Khoza, Judge Presidents and top academics.

“It was, without doubt, the most awesome experience I have experienced in all my 67 years,” Hyman told SA Jewish Report. The three million pilgrims were gathered into language groups, he says, and there was “such discipline, you could hear a pin drop”.

As the Bishop spoke, at each paragraph, he paused to allow translators to deliver his message in five different languages, says Hyman. “He spoke like a king.”


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