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Zionist Spring needs help to launch in SA




The “Zionist Spring” organisation was introduced to South Africans by SA olah Rolene Marks in July when she brought political and Zionist leader Ruchama Avraham to give two free talks in SA, in Cape Town and Johannesburg.

Marks - RoRo HOMERuchama Avraham is an Israeli political and Zionist leader who has served as a Member of Knesset (MK) for both Likud and Kadima.

Now, the organisation wants to officially launch in South Africa.

In order to do this, however, they need to comply with World Zionist Organisation rules which stipulate that they have to have a membership and they have to be affiliated to the SA Zionist Federation.

The Zionist Spring has as its main aim, to re-energise and re-invigorate the Zionist movement at the parliament of the Jewish people, the World Zionist Congress. “In order to affect decisions, we need as many people signing up as possible,” says SA olah Rolene Marks (PICTURED ABOVE RIGHT).

“We have launched in the US and Canada and now we hope to do the same in South Africa.”

Jewish Report has made it easy for those who want to join up, by uploading the application form to the website. Simply click to download the attached MEMBERSHIP FORM which is in Word format, click on Rolene’s e-mail address in the following paragraph and attach the form. Easy as pie! 

“We encourage as many people to sign and email back to,” says Rolene.

She stresses that “The Zionist Spring is NOT a fundraising or political organisation,” and encourages SA Jewry to “visit our website and like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.”

The membership forms can only be submitted by those 18 or older and must be signed. The deadline for getting the forms back to Rolene is October 20, so don’t waste any time.

“Help us rejuvenate Zionism in South Africa today!” says Rolene passionately.

Related reads on SAJR.CO.ZA

  • SA olah Rolene Marks brought political and Zionist leader Ruchama Avraham to give two free talks in SA, the first in Cape Town on July 22 and in Johannesburg on July 24. Ruchama Avraham is an Israeli political and Zionist leader who has served as a Member of Knesset (MK) for both Likud and Kadima.
  • In Juju off guard at Cape Town Airport, Rolene and Ruchama bumped into the EFF’s charismatic leader and engaged him in conversation: “Juju likes his eggs over easy and please hold the pork…” said Rolene in a short and hilarious interview afterwards.
  • Apart from being a regular correspondent for SAJR.CO.ZA in Israel, Rolene also publishes very well-read blogs on the website. Click for RORO’S BLOG HOME PAGE

Rolene can be contacted at or telephonically in Israel at + 972 52-582-9090

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Hannah Karpes

    October 27, 2014 at 8:27 pm

    ‘I heard you being interviewed on Chai FM today, 27 Oct 2014 and have signed up to join, and only now noticed that the deadline was October 20th. Is this a problem? Are you still accepting membership?

    [Deadline was subsequently extended to 1 Nov  -ED]

    \nThank you – I am passionate about Israel and always wished to make Aliyah – unfortunately things did not work out – but I am proud and humble to say that my grandson was born in Jerusalem and now my son has married a beautiful Israeli girl and is living in Israel – who knows? My dream may still come to fruition!’

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