Letters/Discussion Forums

Zuma’s mantra: Hear no truth, see no truth…

President Jacob Zuma discourages travel to Israel for ANC members and representatives, because he is absolutely petrified that, should they experience the Israeli culture and economy, they would return with glowing reports extolling a flourishing and vibrant nation, people enjoying one of the highest living standards in this miserable world of ours.



Jack Miller

Obviously the average Israeli doesn’t enjoy the level of existence that President Zuma himself does. But it far surpasses the humdrum lives of a large portion of the South African population to whom Zuma would dish out a free meal and a T-shirt immediately prior to the elections!



1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    January 27, 2016 at 5:52 pm

    ‘Zuma reminds me of the \” see no evil; hear no evil; talk no evil\”  caricatures that one often sees.’

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